New Hampshire Ignition Interlock Device User Manual
Alcohol Detection Systems Technology LLC
Determinator® User’s Manual
NH Rev 1 – Released – 02/28/2023
We know you have a choice of interlock providers, thank you for choosing Alcohol Detection Systems. In this User’s Manual, you will find all the information you need to make your time with our device as easy as possible. After reading this entire manual, you should have a good understanding of the use of the device. If not, re-read the material. Finally, the installer will walk you through the basics. There is a lot of information here, so take your time and familiarize yourself as much as you can with it.
Every day when you power up your device it will display a countdown to your next mandatory service date. Missing your mandatory service date may cause you to be locked out of starting your vehicle.
There is a difference between the device stating SERVICE DUE and LOCK DUE
At every start up, the device will display the number of days until service (service due XX days). Pay attention to this number. If you have an event or other issue which results in an early return for service, that displayed message will change to a lock due XX days and the verbal notification changes to “Return for service soon.” You need to contact Alcohol Detection Systems immediately to avoid being locked out of starting your vehicle.
Please be sure you understand how to use this device before you leave today!
If you ever have any questions Refer to your owner’s manual and if necessary, call us at 888-786-7384 we will be glad to answer any questions, or assist you with anything we can!
Please read the entire manual. It will help you to understand the entire process! The most important thing to remember is that this unit is used to detect what is on your breath. The unit is alcohol specific so the only chemical you need to be concerned with is alcohol. Unfortunately, alcohol is present in some everyday things you may not think of. Mouthwash, cough syrups, perfumes, colognes, hair spray, and hand sanitizers have alcohol in them, and, if you are exposed to them prior to providing a sample, you may fail a test. If you fail a startup test, it will result in you waiting for the device to allow you to take a new test. It is highly recommended if you are exposed to these chemicals, you allow adequate time for your body to purge these chemicals prior to attempting a breath test. If you blow a failure of .021 or above during a startup test, the unit will go into a time out. If this does occur, turn off your ignition, immediately drink a glass of water, and rinse your mouth out so that any residual alcohol is washed away. Upon completion of this timeout you should retest as soon as possible. Multiple failures may result in a violation and/or temporary lockout, so think about what you have been exposed to prior to starting the vehicle.
To take a startup test, turn the ignition key on. The unit will activate, and the voice will say “Determinator® please wait.” Now it is preparing for a sample. Once the unit is ready for your sample, the unit will say “please provide sample.” You will then blow hard into the device for about 1 second, the device will beep, you will then immediately inhale through the mouthpiece, the device will beep, then you will blow steady and not as hard as the first sample, but not too soft either (this breath will be about 8 seconds). While you are blowing the long final breath, the device will produce a continuous beep. There are three tones. As long as the tones are sounding, continue to blow. The three tones are low (blowing too soft), normal (blowing correct), and high (blowing too hard). Blow until it stops beeping. The most common errors are inhaling too long or blowing the second (long) breath too hard. Once the device stops beeping, wait for “you may start the vehicle.” Once you hear this, you can start the vehicle. Upon successful completion of a startup test, you may start the vehicle for up to 3 minutes. Always wait for the device to say “YOU MAY START THE VEHICLE.” If the device verbally says, “INVALID SAMPLE,” the digital display will scroll the reason for the error. The most common errors are “High Sample,” means you are blowing too hard on the final long sample, and “Blow Not In Time,” means you paused too long to begin the final long sample. Retry and lower the final pressure for High Sample or don’t pause too long to begin the final sample if seeing Blow Not In Time until the device accepts your sample. Other reasons for invalid sample can be found later in this manual.
Once you start the vehicle, the unit will randomly test you while the vehicle is running. When calling for a retest the unit will beep and say “please provide sample.” ADS recommends you pull over to a safe location for the retest, as the random retest should not be performed while the vehicle is moving. Once you’re in a safe position to perform the test, leave the vehicle running, and provide a sample. This will allow you to get familiar with the retest procedure without the distraction of driving. Remember, you have 5 minutes to provide the sample.All you need to do is present a sample just like a startup test. The unit will once again analyze the sample and speak “rolling retest passed, thank you.” If for some reason you were to fail, you will be required to retest until you provide a passing test or turn off the ignition. This however could result in a LOCK DUE 5 days message, which does not lock you out immediately, but would lock you out after 5 days. This will give you 5 days to start your vehicle normally, but the unit will display a service notification each time you attempt a startup. You will need to contact Alcohol Detection Systems at our toll free number as soon as possible after receiving this message. The most common cause of 5-day lock outs is not from failing tests; it is from not completing the random retest in time. The most common cause for this is people leaving the vehicle running unattended. We recommend taking the keys with you when you leave the vehicle. Anytime something out of the ordinary occurs you should make a record of it in your log in the event your sentencing agency has a question for you about the incident. Any time you pass a test or turn the vehicle off, you will activate a 2 minute free re-start timer. This will allow you to restart the vehicle without a new start up test. If your engine stalls, turn off your key and start the vehicle.
When the random retest is requested, the sample must be provided; otherwise a violation will occur. Under these circumstances, before starting the vehicle again, you will need to provide a clean air sample.
If you have your vehicle serviced, you must notify Alcohol Detection Systems prior to, or within 24 hours after ANY major service, this does not include oil changes, or tires. We are mainly concerned with repairs under the hood or within the vehicle’s electrical system.
When you leave today, you should receive 3 mouthpieces, and a box. Your mouthpieces can be washed. Just be sure they are dry before using them with the device. Additional mouthpieces can be obtained by calling Alcohol Detection Systems.
The device is designed to work in all temperature ranges experienced in New Hampshire. In the winter you may experience a longer start-up time as the device warms up to prepare for your sample, in the summer the device can over heat if left in direct sunlight, so never leave your device in direct sun light!!! Un-plugging the handset when vehicle is turned off is allowed to avoid these issues if you prefer. If you prefer to leave the device in your vehicle, leave it in a place that has good air circulation (i.e. under seat), do not leave in a sealed glove box or wrapped in a cloth as this will prevent the device from dissipating heat naturally. If you do leave the unit in direct sunlight and receive an invalid sample due to a sample temp error. Turn off the handset, roll your windows down (to decrease cabin temps) and then blow straight through the device to cool the inside of the unit. After 5 or 6 straight blows, retry your sample and the unit should function normally.
Always remove the plastic mouthpiece before disconnecting the handset; this will reduce the chance of breaking the mouthpiece off in the unit. Additionally, it is not necessary to jam the mouthpiece into the opening. Doing so will increase the chance of breaking off the mouthpiece.
NOTE: Completely read and understand this manual before operating a vehicle with the Determinator® System installed. A user must comply with the requests of the unit and follow its instructions in a timely manner. Failure to do so may require early service or a complete vehicle lockout – at the driver’s expense and inconvenience. Always operate the vehicle and provide breath samples in a safe manner.
- ADS Determinator® System Overview
Alcohol Detections Systems’ Determinator® is a breath alcohol ignition interlock device (BAIID) designed to prevent a driver from starting a vehicle when his or her breath alcohol content (BrAC) is above a defined set point. It is certified per NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) specifications. Additionally, the device has been certified and approved for use in the State of New Hampshire.
- System Components
- Determinator® Hand Held
The Hand Held is the removable portion of the Determinator®system into which a user provides a breath sample. Display messages and voice prompts are provided by the Hand Held to instruct a user.
- Determinator® Remote Camera
This is the camera used to capture images of the driver one the Determinator® is activated and at various points while the vehicle is running. Movement, or obstruction of this component is a violation of law and will be detected electronically by the device and when the state reviews the images.
- Determinator® Vehicle Module
The Vehicle Module is wired to the vehicle’s electrical system. It is out of sight of the user and provides the connection to the vehicle. The cord is permanently attached to the Vehicle Module and connects to the Hand Held.
- Determinator® Kit - Mouthpieces
Along with the Hand Held, Vehicle Module, and wiring harness, the Determinator® Kit includes extra disposable mouthpieces. Additional mouthpieces are available by contacting ADS at 888-786-7384 .Mouthpieces should be changed or cleaned regularly and should not be shared by different users. Always keep a spare handy. users. Always keep a spare handy.
- Determinator® Hand Held
- Operation
- Plug In
Plug the Hand Held Unit into the Cable. The connector is keyed and will only plug in with the connector writing “up”. To remove, squeeze the both sides of the connector and gently pull.
- Turn On
Turn the ignition to “RUN” - this is the position just before “CRANK”. The Hand Held will turn on and prompt the user for the next step.
- Turn On Messages
- Hand Held firmware version number
- Hand Held serial number
- Initializing Message
- Possible Service Due Messages
Pay attention to the service due or lockout date. If you are parking your vehicle for an extended period of time, be aware of your scheduled service date
- Turn On Messages
- Warm Up
The Determinator® must warm to operating temperature before a sample is requested. Bringing a unit indoors in a cold climate will reduce the required warm up time. The message displayed while heating shows 0% to 100% completion.
- Camera
New Hampshire State Law may require the use of cameras with all BAIIDs. This camera is usually mounted on your windshield. Any attempt to block or obscure the camera will be considered a violation. The device can detect tampering of the camera as well, and if obstructed or significantly moved may prevent your vehicle from starting. With that in mind, be cautious of how you treat the device and camera while providing a test and while driving. Be sure nothing is obstructing the view of the camera.
- Provide Sample : Blow/Suck/Blow (BSB)
The Determinator® requests a breath sample at turn-on and at random intervals while you drive.
- Do not provide a sample until requested
- Two beeps are sounded for attention before “Please Provide Sample” is seen/heard
- Breath in deeply to fill lungs
- Provide the sample in three steps:
- STEP #1: Blow: short, sharp, pulse of air until you hear a beep
- STEP #2: Suck: short, sharp, pulse of air until you hear a beep.
- STEP #3: Blow: long, continuous stream of air to empty the lungs. Keep the pressure above/below the min/max set points. Three tones may be heard:
- Low tone: blow harder
- Medium tone: try to maintain this
- High tone: blow softer
- When the tone stops, stop blowing, sample is complete. Wait for the voice prompt to start the vehicle. DO NOT attempt to start the vehicle until instructed to do so, attempting a start before being prompted may result in a violation.
- Sample Errors
If an error is detected while taking a sample, the Determinator® says “INVALID SAMPLE” at the same time the display will scroll one of the following messages to report the actual error and requests the user retry the sample. Possible errors include:
- "Err: Pressure Not Stable" => Prior to Step #1 - do not blow into the unit until requested
- "Err: Suck Not In Time" => Step #2 (short suck) sample not provided in allotted time
- "Err: Blow Not In Time" => Step #3 (long blow) sample not provided in allotted time, or you may be blowing too hard for it to register
- "Err: Low Sample" => Step #3 - pressure was too low during final breath sample
- "Err: High Sample" => Step #3 - pressure was too high during final breath sample
- "Err: Sample Temp" => Step #3 –temperature out of range. Do not leave the device in direct sunlight as it may overheat the device
- "Err: Fuel Cell Stability" => At the start of a sample, the alcohol measurement device was not ready
- “Err: Picture Failed – Retake” => Obstruction of the camera, or problem with the image has been detected.
- Start The Vehicle
After a successful sample, the Determinator® will say, “You may start the vehicle”. At this time, turn the ignition to start the vehicle. If a sample is positive for alcohol, you will hear, “Vehicle Starting is Disabled”. Once the vehicle has been started, do NOT disconnect the Hand Held unit until the vehicle has been turned off. Once started, the Hand Held will display: “RUNNING”. Randomly, while driving, the Determinator® will ask for additional samples. See Random Retest.
- Plug In
- Random Retest
While the vehicle is in operation, you will be required to provide retests at random intervals. As the driver, you are required by law to safely provide this sample. Once a test is called for, reduce vehicle speed, pull over, and find a safe location to perform the Random Retest requirement. Turning off the vehicle will not change or eliminate the retest requirement. If you turn it off during the retest, you can turn the vehicle back on and fulfill the test requirement (doing this in some states may be considered a violation). The random retest sample is provided the same way as the original sample – by providing a Blow/Inhale /Blow sample. The time allowed for you to provide this test is 5 minutes. If you do not provide the test in this initial 5 minutes, the device will record a missed random retest. Do not leave a vehicle running unattended - the random retest will require a sample. If a sample is not provided in the allotted time, sanctions may be invoked. These may include an early lockout and vehicle warning indications. For positive driver identification, the device takes the driver’s photo at the instant a sample is called for, and again when the sample is provided.
- Courtesy Restart
If the engine dies, or is turned off, a courtesy restart is allowed. If a random retest is not required, the vehicle may be restarted for up to 5 minutes. If the engine ever dies or is turned off, turn the key off then to the run position and wait for the device to say “you may start the vehicle.” DO NOT attempt to restart the engine until you hear “You May Start the Vehicle.” Doing so may result in a recorded violation and an early service notification.
- Service Interval / Unit Lockout
The Determinator® must be returned for state mandated service every 60 days. Every time the Hand Held is turned on, it will display the number of days before the next required service “service due XX day”. When the device is in the final day before service is due the device will read service due 1 day. When the actual day of service arrives, the device will read SERVICE DUE MIDNIGHT. After the 30-day countdown, your device has an additional 5-day countdown that will allow your device to operate normally for 5 days beyond the “service due at midnight” notification. Using the additional 5-day countdown means you have missed your appointment and may result in additional fees being charged to your account. Remember Service Due means service is approaching, and Lock Due means lockout is approaching. To perform service, you will need to return to your installation center. YOU WILL NEED AN APPOINTMENT IN ORDER TO PERFORM THIS SERVICE. The STATE OF New Hampshire requires your data be reported to them within certain limits. If you are late in taking your vehicle in, your data will not be able to be reported in time, and your license/privilege may be suspended. Additionally, if service is not performed within the allotted time, on the 6th day the unit will become locked out, no samples will be accepted, and the vehicle may not be started. A code may be entered through the Hand Held’s keypad to allow a limited period to return for service, but you must contact ADS and provide the displayed number and evidence of your appointment to receive a temporary code. A charge will apply
- Failing Tests/ Tampering / Circumvention / Early Service
If you fail a start test due to the presence of alcohol, then the device will enter a temporary time out. When this occurs, you should immediately determine the reason, correct it, and retest. Multiple failures may result in a temporary lockout of the device. A person tampering with, circumventing, or otherwise misusing this Ignition Interlock System may be subject to criminal or civil penalties. Tampering and circumvention include any attempt to circumvent normal operation of the device. If any tampering, circumvention, missed retest, or positive alcohol is detected by the unit, the service interval may go into an early return for service, and be set to lock due 5 days. If this occurs the unit will be locked out unless returned for service within this time period. There is a charge for this type of violation. The Determinator® Hand Held and Vehicle Module devices log and report all aspects of the unit’s operation as well as any tampering or circumvention detected to state authorities. The state may send a request for explanation letter on these types of events, so you must answer these requests when you receive them. WARNING! ANY ACTUAL OR ATTEMPTED TAMPERING OR CIRCUMVENTION OF THIS DEVICE CAN SUBJECT YOU TO CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LIABILITY.
- Products Containing Alcohol
The Determinator® and will report the presence of alcohol as a violation and may require an early return for service. Many products you may not consider contain alcohol include:
- Mouthwash / breath strips-drops-mints / some gums
- Menthol and bargain cigarettes or chewing tobacco
- Baked goods high in yeast or fermented foods including vinegar
- Cough syrups and cough drops and some cold remedies
- Hand Sanitizers
- Liquid Windshield and Lock De-icers
The occurrence of a positive alcohol sample must be explained to the proper authorities. The early return for service will also cost the user in inconvenience and fees. To prevent any of these issues, avoid eating and smoking while using the Determinator®. Wait at least 15 minutes before providing a sample if any of the products listed above are ingested. If you do provide a sample and receive a “pos Alcohol” the device will go into a short time out. Wait out the time out, rinse your mouth out with water and try again. The state will look at the entire sequence rather than the one event. The state may send a request for explanation letter on these types of events, so you must answer these requests when you receive them. Having successful retests after a failed test is highly recommended, so do not leave your vehicle, until you pass a test. Always consider your exposure to alcohol however minimal you believe it is and correct if necessary.
- Service Center
The service center is responsible for vehicle installation, monthly service, early return resets, and removal of the Determinator®. Feel free to contact Alcohol Detection Systems to report any problems or ask questions related to the operation of the Determinator®
- Verify Safe Installation
The Determinator® should not interfere with the operation of a vehicle after it has been started.
- Verify the location of the Hand Held and the cable routing from the Vehicle Module does not interfere with vehicle operation, but gives full access to the Hand Held.
- Double check that taking the Hand Held to the driver’s mouth is a normal motion and that the cord does not interfere with any driver control such as the steering wheel, blinkers, or gearshift.
- Verify cable routing does not interfere with brake and gas pedals and steering.
- Finally, before you leave the service center be sure when your vehicle is running the device displays “running”
- Training
- Read this manual completely
- Watch the Determinator® video (at the service center online at https://www.adsinterlock.com/Help-Center/Videos)
- Determinator® Menu
- Menu Button: YES Accept or change the currently displayed menu option. Also the “1” key.
- Menu Button: MENU Enters the Determinator®’s menu and steps through options. Also the “2” key.
- Menu Button: NO Exit the Determinator® menu. Also the “3” key.
- DEMOEXIT press YES to exit Demo Mode
- SERV DUE how many days until required to return to service center
- VOLUME press YES to increase the voice volume (values 1-10)
- TIME HMS display unit’s time
- DATE YMD display unit’s date
- DAYS2CAL number of days until a Service Center calibration is required
- DIAGNOSE press YES to enter the Diagnostic sub-menu this is used by installers to test the installation.
- Starter state.
- Horn cycle the horn relay on/off
- Lights cycle the lights relay on/off
- Alarm cycle the VM alarm on/off
- BattVolt
- TachCnt
- Pressure
- TSample
- TFuelCel
- Tblock temperature
- HH SN serial number
- HH VERS firmware
- VM SN serial number
- VM VERS firmware version
- Frequently Asked Questions Q: Can I leave my car running while it warms up on a cold morning, or while I run into the convenience store?A: No. Once a vehicle has been started, the Determinator® will randomly prompt the user for a sample. If the user is not available, this will be treated as a failure to provide a random retest and an early lockout will occur.Q: The Determinator® requires a long time to heat up and request a sample. Can this time be decreased?A: The Determinator® must warm up to operating temperature. In cold climates, warm up time can be improved by disconnecting the unit from the cord and bringing the unit indoors or keeping it in a pocket, when not in use.Q: “My battery died” or “I replaced my battery”. Why did I get an early lockout?A: The State requires the Determinator® record an event at the loss of battery power. These events can eventually lead to an early LOCK DUE message. A vehicle must be in good operating condition when the device is installed. A user must contact Alcohol Detection Systems prior to the loss of power whenever possible or as soon as possible after it occurs. The State may send you a request for explanation on this type of event. Whenever possible, obtain documentation on a power interruption for your own protection.Q: A sample was rejected for “Pressure not stable”.A: Do not provide a sample until requested. If a user blows into the unit or even breathes lightly into the unit before it is ready this error can occur. Please wait until prompted and retry the sample.Q: A sample was invalid due to “Sample Temp”.A: This is not common when used properly, however can occur occasionally when left in direct sunlight, or extremely hot vehicles. The device is designed to operate and detect certain conditions during a sample, if a unit is too hot, then it cannot properly detect these conditions. Be sure to never leave your device in direct sunlight. If this occurs, cool down your vehicle’s cabin by rolling down the windows, and then blow straight through the device without it being turned on. This air flow will cool the inside of the device and allow for it to accept your sample.Q: The display reads “Synch Error”A: This occurs when the Vehicle Module loses communication with the Handset. The most common cause for this is the cable is not properly connected to the Handset. Turn off the ignition, unplug the Handset, check to make sure there is no dirt or debris in either the connector or the receptacle by blowing through each component. Then reconnect making sure the connector seats securely into the receiver. If the problem persists, contact Alcohol Detection Systems for further options.Q: My device will not allow me to test, it says provide key (xxxxx) what do I do?A: In most cases the device will give an entire message (“Disabled Provide Key 12345 Heating voltage”). These startup errors are described in Section 14 of the owner’s manual. If you call our office asking what to do, we are going to ask you what the entire message says. If you do not know then we will recommend you determine the entire message and call back. We need to know the entire message or we cannot assist you. Anytime these types of messages appear, it is considered out of the ordinary and you should record it in your personal log, in case the state requests an explanation.Q: My device displays “service due at midnight”A: This is the day of your regular service. You should have an appointment already scheduled. If you do not have one, contact your service center immediately.Q: My device said “service due in (20) days (for example) earlier today, now it says “Lock Due 5 days”A: If your device drastically jumps dates from service due to a Lock Due message then it is calling for early service due to some reason. You will need to contact Alcohol Detection Systems about this issue.Q: I broke all of my mouthpieces. What do I do?A: You will need to contact Alcohol Detection Systems, or your installer to order new mouthpieces. The mouthpieces we send with the original installation should be enough to get you through your time required for the device. However, if you are not careful, then you will break them. You will need to contact us to order more mouthpieces.Q: My vehicle requires service what do I do?A: Occasionally you may need to take your vehicle in for service. If this is for basic service like an oil change, tire work, etc., then we do not need to know about this. If it is for major work under the hood or to the electrical system, contact our office and let us know what is being done, by whom, and when. Make sure you get a receipt for any work performed showing the work done, and the time it was in possession of the repair center. If you are doing the work yourself keep any receipts for any items you purchase to complete the work.Q: The State has sent me a letter asking for a request of explanation for an event(s)?A: This will occur if you do something that is considered a violation of state law. We cannot tell you how to answer these requests for explanation, you will need to refer to your log (list of events out of the ordinary you are required to keep). Answer to the best of your ability the circumstances surrounding the date and time listed on the explanation form. If you have questions about how to respond, contact the number on the form itself. Remember the state probably has more information than just the single incident, so if you (for example) failed a test due to mouthwash etc., then 10 minutes later passed, they have that information so include it in your explanation for them to consider.Q: I received a charge on my credit card I was not expectingA: We sometimes are forced to charge late fees due to actions you take. If your payment is late we may charge a late payment fee. If you do not return for your scheduled service as required by state law, we may charge a late service fee. To avoid these charges, show up for your scheduled appointments, and make sure the funds are available for us to charge your monthly lease on the card we have on file and you will never experience these extra charges. If you receive a new credit card contact us to update your information.Q: I failed a test what do I do? Now the device says Use Allowed InA: The User Allowed In is a countdown of a No Start condition, once this counts down you may retest. First figure out why you failed the test was it from an external source or from consumption of alcohol. If it was from an external source, resolve the contamination by rinsing your mouth out with water or air out the vehicle, whatever is required to remove the alcohol from your sample, then retest as soon as possible. Getting a passing test as soon as possible is crucial at this point. Remember that alcohol stays in your system for long periods of time, and you should avoid driving after consumption of alcohol, in some cases even the next morning.
- Startup Error Messages
The following messages may be displayed at unit startup with the unit temporarily disabled. If this occurs, turn the ignition off and back on to retry normal operation. If the problem persists, check the listing below to see what you can do to resolve the issue, if you cannot resolve the issue, call our office and be sure to tell us exactly what the display scrolls in its entirety (the key code will change each time the Ignition is turned off and on). The important message happens after the key code.
Displayed Message Explanation- “LOCKOUT: ENTER CODE (S/N 001001)”Unit is locked out either due to expiration of the service interval; notification of the pending lockout was displayed prior to the actual lock out. Provide the Hand Held’s Serial Number (it is displayed and printed on the unit’s rear label) to Alcohol Detection Systems for a possible access code override (fee may apply). A 5 digit code will be provided. Enter the code using the Hand Held’s keypad with the buttons representing the numbers 1, 2, and 3. The unit will allow for limited usage to have your device serviced (fee may apply).
- "DISABLED - RANDOM RETEST FAIL" (horn may also sound)A random retest was not provided in the allotted time. Pull over as instructed and turn off the ignition. "DISABLED – NO SAMPLE" No sample was provided in the allotted time. Turn off ignition and then retry
- “DISABLED - BREATHTEMP"The temperature of the sample was too low or too high. Turn off ignition and then retry.
- "DISABLED - POSITIVE ALCOHOL" (horn may also sound)A sample over the allowed limit was measured. Device will display a countdown timer, “Used Allowed In [xx:xx].” When the timer expires you will be able to retest. We highly recommend you rinse your mouth out with water and retest at least one time after a failed test. Before you do, consider what may have caused it and correct the situation, then retest.
- “DISABLED – PIC FAIL”Camera is unable to capture image, this can be from obstruction/ tampering of the camera, washout from back lighting conditions, or an issue with the camera itself. Always ensure you do not do anything to the camera to avoid these issues. If you experience these issues notify ADS to resolve.
- "DISABLED - AMBIENT TEMP"System error: the internal ambient temperature is out of expected range. Turn off ignition roll windows down if hot and retry "DISABLED – HEATINGVOLTAGE" System error: the heaters encountered an unexpected condition. This generally may be an indicator of a dead or low vehicle battery condition. Charge your vehicle’s battery up then retry this error message will be gone when the vehicle’s battery has sufficient voltage to allow the device to heat up properly
- "DISABLED - SYNCH MISMATCH"The Hand Held unit does not recognize the connected Vehicle Module. These two devices are paired at the service center and must remain matched.
- "DISABLED - SYNCH ERROR"The Hand Held could not communicate to the Vehicle Module. This could indicate a problem with either device or the cable between them. Unplug the Hand Held, check both sides of the connector for dirt or debris, blow out both with air, reconnect, and retry
- “LOCKOUT: ENTER CODE (S/N 001001)”
- Voice Prompts
The Determinator® has several voice prompts that are spoken to alert the user to provide a sample or indicate the unit status.
Spoken Prompt Explanation"Return for Service Soon"—Spoken after warm up if service is due in less than 5 days
"Please Wait"—Spoken while heating, or before requesting a sample.
"Determinator®, Please Wait"— Start-up message
"Please Provide Sample"— Spoken for a first test or random retest. Provide a breath sample.
"Please Retry Sample"— Previous sample failed. Provide another breath sample.
"Provide sample now"— Spoken during a random retest if the first request is ignored
"Provide Sample Now or Vehicle Lockout will begin"—Spoken during a random retest if the first two requests are ignored
"Pull over and stop the vehicle"— the engine was detected as running without authorization to start/run. Continuing to drive after a positive alcohol sample or the failure to provide a random retest will also generate this message.
"Invalid sample - Please wait"—Spoken if the provided sample could not be measured (temperature/pressure/etc.).
"You May Start the Vehicle"— The vehicle may be started. Spoken if a proper sample was provided or if the engine dies and a free restart is allowed.
"Vehicle Starting is Disabled" —An alcohol positive sample was measured. The vehicle will not start.
"Random Retest Passed. Thank You"— A valid sample was provided for a random retest. A new random interval will be calculated.
"Return for service now - Vehicle lockout"— Lockout period has elapsed. Vehicle is locked out and may not be started.